1. Warden

Amazon Web ServicesBackend Developer


[ Go, Python, AWS ]

Warden is a daemon process that monitors the health and security of AWS servers, designed to collect vital hardware data and notifying downstream consumers of any failures. Warden is currently deployed on the AWS EC2 fabric for Amazon Linux 2 and up.

Features and Accomplishments

  • Support for periodic and on-demand data collection
  • Service to be installed on over two-thirds of all AWS hosts
  • Devised method to remove all runtime dependencies and deploy service as a standalone binary, eliminating OS and architecture-related versioning issues
  • Initiated design decision to convert data collection subprocesses to threads, reducing memory footprint by 60% and increasing average execution speed by up to 200%
  • Executed migration to new credential management service for authenticating access to AWS resources

2. Layr

Pepper LabsBackend Developer


[ TypeScript, React Native, GraphQL, Apollo, MongoDB ]

Layr is an iOS and Android application that allows users to easily and securely trade and manage their cryptocurrency assets.

Features and Accomplishments

  • Direct exchange between defi assets without need for an intermediary stablecoin
  • Led backend architecture and development, successfully launched MVP 3 months ahead of schedule
  • Spearheaded integration of Redux to eliminate redundant API requests, reducing application latency by over 60%
  • Developed routing algorithm to generate and execute token swap routes that minimized transfer fees
  • Addressed user privacy issue by engineering method to consistently generate wallet access key without storage of user credentials


University of Southern CaliforniaFull Stack Developer


[ NextJS, ChartJS ]

ReCOVER is a web application built for the USC Keck School of Medicine Infectious Disease Department. ReCOVER enables researchers to easily visualize and add new disease forecast data from a single metadata repository.

Features and Accomplishments

  • Support for multiple simultaneous data sources and chart types
  • Custom metadata language to allow for easy addition of new data sources without the need for code changes
  • Managed team of 6 developers and supervised team progress based on stakeholder needs to generate mockups and user stories
  • Scheduled deliverable timeline and handled communications across multiple stakeholders